This is just a very basic early page for Mike Jordan's ExComms pages and other stuff about Kendal Avenue.

Hopefully it will grow and flourish as I get around to doing more and I promise I will make it look prettier.


Pages external to my site will automatically open in a new window so that you can easily return here by using IE7 or Firefox 'Tabbed browsing'

If you wish to open additional pages within my site in a new window, 'right click' with your mouse on the link and then use the 'open in new window' command.

Some pages use 'pdf' format.  See note at end if you do not have this installed on your computer.

My Comms type offerings:-

For Old 'Snorty Laughs' click     HERE      (in pdf format)

Mark Vesey's pictures site

BBC Comms Department (mainly BH stuff)

Not strictly a BBC Comms type thing but this site is all about GPO/BT telephones and I am sure some of us will remember types of BTs (block terminals) when scrambling around on buildings doing Lines Tests - well those of us from Field Group anyway!  

Mikes pages about the final days of BH Extension with stories from Comms staff

My KA general type offerings:-

(You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader installed for some of these)

For The 1958 BBC Handbook click HERE (PDF format)

BBC Engineering Information magazine featuring the 1981 Royal Wedding of Charles and Di  HERE
(PDF format)

There is also a site with most of the 'Eng Inf' series. Follow the link at the right hand side near the top.

The Virtual Crewroom - KA camera staff at their weirdest:-

Some pictures of Kendal Avenue as it closes (sob sob):-

Taken by me!   HERE  

PS - Want to buy an OB base - look no further

Latest pictures of inside Kendal Avenue now it has completely closed:-

Taken by me!   HERE  

Pictures of the demolition of Kendal Avenue and   a couple of the new buildings on the site:-

Taken by me!   HERE  

Some pictures and interesting things from various Kendal Avenue people:-

Pictures from Alan Woolford   HERE  
Pictures (mainly CMCCR) from Tony Crake  HERE  

Brian Summers TV Camera Museum site  HERE

Some OB stories from various people:-

From Ron Chown - his life in the BBC        HERE         

Just a few other more general links:-

The VT oldboys site with loads of pictures from Wood Norton, OB trucks and (obviously) loads about VT:-

Old SMs:-

Martin Kempton's pages all about London TV studios - BBC and others:-

The Alexandra Palace Television Society:-

All about BH and general 'Vintage Broadcasting' from Roger Beckwith:-
Old BBC Radio Broadcasting equipment and memories

More about BH, this time from Mike Todd:-

Tech Ops Nostalgia page (Cameras/Sound etc):-

Vintage Broadcasting - including old Trade Test films and Pirate Radio:-

The TV Ark - A television museum:-

The National Museum of Photography, Film and  Television in Bradford:-

The British Vintage Wireless Society has some fun stuff with stories of AP and really useful things like complete lists of 405line transmitters and framegrabs of those jolly Trade Test Films we used to watch in SWC at the start of 625lines and colour.

Richard Lamont's scan of an ITA handbook first published in 1970:- 

- this is a 12Mb pdf so it will take a while to download and is probably out of the question if you still have dial-up access (surely you don't do you?)

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MJ  200414